At this level, the Teachers in Lindalva Inclusive School who work with children in this section appreciate, value and pay more attention with keen interest to stages of children development especially children with special needs.
Working with infants, toddlers and pre-schoolers; “there is no doll moment”, and every child’s action or matter counts. This helps children develop their prime areas to the full, for example the School has provided rich and enabling environment which allow the children to develop language, communication, social and personal skills.
The School respects each child’s uniqueness, learning needs, especially those who experienced developmental delays due to some deficiencies and other risk factors and allows them to explore and interact in positive relationship with adults and their peers.
Knowledge gained on early childhood education helps the teachers to guide and support the children to develop at their own rates and in their own ways, knowing that there are no fixed age boundaries but rather a topical range of development. These have made it possible for some of the children to learn and grow holistically with regard to their prime areas
Prime areas skills are important areas to develop because they lay the foundations for children’s success in all other areas of learning. The specific areas of prime provide the range of experiences and opportunities for children to broaden their knowledge and skills and these specific areas cannot be encountered in isolation but rather are connected, when children are supported in their prime areas positively, they develop holistically resulting to positive lifelong.
This is why Lindalva Inclusive is sensitive and pays attention to all the prime areas in order to guide the children especially pre-nursery towards ways of living that enhance their health and well-being. This also contributes towards formation of a strong personal, social and emotional foundation, for this reason,
the Teachers strive always to spot and follow the development of prime areas through observation, because from their observation, they are able to identify those children who are working at a significantly higher or lower than others. All children develop in different ways and at different rates though some educators and parents do not consider these as important due to influence of culture and limited knowledge on early childhood development but knowing and understanding the prime areas help to meet their unique individual needs.
The domain is the specific aspect of growth and if a child experiences delay in developmental areas, these cause learning difficulty and other behavioural problems that become apparent after a child begins School.
Although pattern of development is similar, children follow pattern at their own rate, because each child is a unique individual, no two children can be expected to behave or develop in identical manner even identical twins that are of same age.
We plan effectively to meet children’s individual needs, work with parents in order to meet the child’s needs, e.g. take every opportunity to have individual conversation with children, play, positive relationship etc. are essential for early childhood development. These require patience, observation, interest and creativity. In Lindalva Inclusive School, we constantly plan and involve the parents of our children in this regard in order to help children to develop holistically both at home and in the School, (home-School link a top priority in our School).
The Pre-Nursery prepares children mentally for Nursery education, prevents poor performance, provides opportunity for growth and helps children to nurture their curiosity.